Thursday, December 15, 2005

Card Humbug!

Why, oh why, oh why, oh why card manufacturers of Great Britain?

In the name of all things festive, why?

Why do you insist on making your christmas cards for family members so goddamn nauseating? All I want, if it's not too much to ask, is a card that says "Merry Christmas Dad" or "Happy New Year Sister". And what do you give me? "I'm glad that your my special daddy" or "To my special sister" or "I've already had my christmas wish come true, I've got you as my (insert blood relative of choice here)". And don't get me started on "To my mum and her fella", "You're like a dad to me", "To my special sister and her fiancee" (who is presumably just plan ordinary). What the hell is that all about? Do you have any idea how hard it is, as a child of non-divorced parents to buy christmas cards?

Just stop it. Oh, and while you're at it, people do still have birthdays in December you know, so maybe next year, leave a few birthday cards around. Cus they can tell when you've scratched 'Christmas' off and scribbled in 'Birthday' over the top. Trust me.

1 comment:

Milwaukee Girl said...

The cards in the states are the same way - so just plain shame on all card manufacturers and as a Christmas baby, damn straight there should be birthday cards! Why give another excuse to couple birthday and christmas together.

Great blog by the way!