Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mork calling Orson

If Mork was calling this Orson, I really hope he'd be calling them to tell them to feck right off, and take their fecking stupid "song" with them. I hate No Tomorrow so much, whenever it comes on the radio I have to fight the urge not to repeatedly punch the next person I see. To say I hate this song would be the understatement of the year. The first time I heard it, I thought "this is pretty cool, I could dance to this, listen to the hi-hat in the chorus, it's all tss tss tss". Then I made the mistake of listening to the lyrics. It's like Orson swallowed the unabridged version of The Brian Molko Rhyming Dictionary* and puked them up. In time to the music. Booky B tried to convince me "they are like Shakespeare". I think she was joking.

The lyrics that makes me feel the most violent, are the rhyming of "shiny pants" with "romance"(what!?) and "red bull" with "school". Now the more literate amongst you might notice that "red bull" and "school" don't actually rhyme. And this, pop fans, is what makes me want to scream. Because Mr Orson sings "red bool" and those lyrics, are the lyrics I hate the most , ever!

* Oh, how I wish this actually existed.

1 comment:

Bookish Barbara said...

I have to admit that I still really love the song, despite the awful lyrics. It is a cheery load of drivel! How can you criticise a band of full grown men (and the drummer has a mohican) singing: "Look at me look at me I'm as happy as can be, I'm with a girl who thinks I rock"? (Or could that have been "suck"?)

But some alternatives for the red bool line?

"We haven't got no classes, so let's go and eat molasses"


"Hurray today's a study day, let's go and roll around in the hay".

I think I have a career in dodgy pop ahead of me :-)