Thursday, August 18, 2005

6 days and some hours

until I see the Foo Fighters, 'cus hell yeah, I got the Foo tickets! It was touch and go for a while and I must have clicked on 'order now' about a million times before I got through, and then I held my breath whilst the transaction was transactioning, and then I shouted "yessssssss!" and did a little jig in my chair. I think my new workmates think I'm a bit mental.

I also have someone to go with after nagging, nagging, nagging Mr Librarian until he agreed to go with me. He has been told that he is not allowed to make any comments about The Grohl, but this morning when their video was on tv he said "I hope he hasn't got that beard next week, it really doesn't suit him" and "Did they have to get a drummer that looks like Kurt?".

Oh well, better he gets it out of his system now I suppose.


Bookish Barbara said...

He doesn't look like Kurt apart from the blonde hair, and I don't remember Kurt ever playing naked either!

Alice said...

I kept meaning to respond to this - next time you get Foo Fighter tickets, let me know!

I looooooove them! I heart Dave Grohl.