Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wheels on fire

This morning my bus driver (well, the driver of the bus I was going to work on, I don't have my own personal bus) stopped to help a man put out his car that was on fire, whilst the rest of the bus tutted, sighed in an exaggerated fashion and swore at being held up for literally 3 minutes on their journey, and the other car drivers drove straight past him without a second glance.

There is nothing miserable Londoners hate more than someone getting in their way, especially with such trivial things as car fires. This man's car was actually on fire, and people were more concerned with the fact that they might be a few milliseconds late for work.

What people don't realise is that on the side of the building that says "Welcome to London" is that underneath in teeny letters it says "Please leave all manners and consideration for others this side of the North Circular".


Bookish Barbara said...

I'm surprised they didn't all get out of the bus and have a go at the man for allowing his car to catch fire! I'm with you here LL as a polite northerner who still says please and thankyou in London, often to bemused stares!

Alice said...

You should totally get your own personal bus. That's a great idea. Surely they're reasonably priced.