Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Too good to be true?

Hey, remember when this happened when I tried to register with a new GP? This morning I finally got round to registering with a new, new GP. I walked in, asked if I could register, the receptionist smiled (smiled!) at me, said "yes, when can you come in for an appointment with the nurse?", booked me an appointment with the nurse, gave me one (not three) form to fill in, then smiled again and that was it.

I'm still waiting to wake up/fall out of the parallel universe.


Dog Phace Blue Hand said...

Aggravating! When I went to the dry cleaners yesterday, there was a sign that said "We accept competitors coupons." But when I gave them a coupon that indicated each garment could be cleaned for $1.98, they told me that they would not give me that price. They would only take off $5, which they contend is the maximum! But the sign did NOT say that! Bogus!

Arianya~ said...

I tried to register with a new GP when my face had ballooned to a grotesque level. The receptionist told me it wasn't serious enough for the doctor to see me. I cried tears over my inflated cheeks. The doctor then saw me.