Friday, April 21, 2006

Dear blog,

please forgive me, I forgot your first birthday! How careless of me. I am a bad mother. If I wasn't so sick of baking, I'd bake you a cake, but after spending all of last weekend baking wedding cakes I just can't face the greaseproof paper again. Not yet.

Well, what a year it's been ey? We've seen the formation of Indie Boot Camp, put on and lost one stone in weight, laughed at Bookish Barbara, atteptmed to join not one but two GP surgeries, and decided to get married. No, not me and you married blog, that would be crazy!

Anyway, I'll leave you to celebrate your birthday. Just don't drink too much okay?

Lots of Love,

Lady Librarian

P.S. Yes, I am fully aware that this blog is the equivalent of those 'flashback' episodes of Friends that nobody really likes.

1 comment:

Bookish Barbara said...

Yes Happy Birthday to you blog! How would we ever remember the things we've done without you?