Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

There is an elderly lady who has lunch at the same time as me, and sits in the funny bit of a corridor/staff room type 'area' where I also luncheon. Everyday this lady sits down, opens her newspaper, eats half a sandwich and then falls asleep. Her head drops down and she looks for all the world as though she is deeply engrossed in her newspaper. She is so sound asleep that no-one can wake her. You'll get the occasional newcomer to the 'area' who tries to ask if they can take a seat at her table, or pinch a chair to move to another table, and they will ask politely, then ask a bit louder, then shout, some of them wave, then they just take the chair. Nothing will wake this woman, fire alarms, kids holiday clubs in the room next door, loud laughter, nothing.

Or so I thought. But yesterday I managed the impossible. Being slovenly in my wifely duties, I hadn't bothered to make lunch and so had been to the canteen to buy some sandwiches. Being slovenly in my dieting duties I had purchsed a Double Cheddar sandwich, mmmmm, calories. I went to the 'area' and there were no seats at an empty table, so I went and sat by the window, opposite Sleeping Lady. There she was, sound asleep, until I opened my sandwiches, "zwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwippppppppp" went the plastic cover, and she sat bolt upright and looked around in a very funny "I wasn't asleep at all" kinda way, settled back down and went back to sleep. And I giggled to myself all the way through my Double Cheddar sandwich.

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