Saturday, May 14, 2005

From the window of a number 3 bus

On the bus home from work yesterday I saw three things in Brixton that really made me smile. The first and by far the best thing I have ever seen from the window of any bus, anywhere in the world, ever: there was a guy playing bongos outside the tube station, he was pretty good. But wait! This isn't the best thing - the bus stopped a little way past bongo man and something caught my eye. There was a dad walking down the street and a couple of steps behind him was this 5 or 6 year old kid. When the kid heard bongo man he went mental! He was dancing, waving his arms around, shaking his head, this kid had so much rhythm he made Beyonce look like a bad dancer. And the best thing about it was the fact that the dad had no idea he was doing it! When that kid gets into clubs, he's going to be fighting the ladies off.

Then, we get a bit further down the road and I see a man, who is, hmm how shall I put this? A little on the 'plump' side. Eating a burger, with a fag on the go. Wearing a tracksuit and with a Nike key chain round his neck. Oh, the delicious irony.

And then down the road to...a girl changing her bra in a front garden whilst having a conversation with her friend and looking for all the world as though what she was doing was in no way wierd. She was swapping a white one for a blue one, fact fans.

All this cheered me up so much that I didn't even mind that the bus smelt even wierder than usual.

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