Monday, May 23, 2005

Good relations with the Wookies I have

The new Star Wars kicks ass. Stop whatever you are doing now and go and see it. Seriously. The coolest bit of any of the six films is in this one, you'll know what I mean when you see it. I'm not going to spoil the plot (As if you didn't know that by now anyway) let's just say that it involves Yoda and a coupla dudes in red.

My only one gripe - the wonderful Temeura Morrison. Wonderful yes, but I just couldn't take the clones seriously. Ever since we first saw Jango Fett in episode two I have had to battle to stop myself from standing up, waving at the screen and shouting "He can't be a baddie, it's Dr Ropata from Shortland Street"! Oh, no, I do have another gripe. The Lovely Ewan's beard was looking like the kind of beard that men drop food into by the end. Oh well, I suppose you can't fight the Sith and keep your beard trim all the time. Such is the life of a Jedi.

Are you still here? Go to the cinema and see it now you must!

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