Monday, May 23, 2005

Modern day classics

So at the wedding reception on Saturday night we were discussing modern day classics of the popular music variety. (Well we sure as hell weren't eating buffet. Woah!) I think we ended up with a list of four before our attention wandered to something else. Funny how none of them reflect the music we usually listen to. We defined 'modern day classics' as songs that we will be dancing to when we are pensioners at tea dances, or songs that we will listen to in our old peoples home. Yes, we will all be in the same one. It's kinder to the rest of the future OAPs if we stick together.

1. Crazy in love - Beyonce. Mr Librarian was laughing at me last night after I gave 'She has lovely hair' as one of the reasons I would like to be more like Beyonce. Well, she does and I would.
2. Hey ya - Outkast. The only time I have actually seen people dance at a house party, like they do on tv, was to this song. I will hobble over to the other side of the residents lounge to sing "Lend me some sugar, I am your neighbour" to my good friend High Powered Librarian. 'Cus she is my neighbour, you see. It makes us laugh every time. I will probably have to set off as soon as the song starts to make it in time. I will have a zimmer frame by then. It will be pink. Excellent.
3. Toxic - Britney Spears "It's all over the place" as one of the menfolk commented at the time.
4. Anything by Kylie. Gawd bless 'er. Probably 'Can't get you out of my head' so Mr Librarian can tell us the story of how one of the dancers in the video looks like Billy Corgan.

Any more for any more?

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