Saturday, July 23, 2005

You have five days to memorise all of this...

We are still sans broadband at home, no, wait- I just can't bring myself to talk about it right now, it's too painful.

So thank goodness for Saturday jobs where they have computers and the internet and everything. I got to check my email for the first time in a week, which meant I read the email telling me that:

"Oh, by the way, I'm not sure if we mentioned it before, we didn't? Oops, how super careless of us, but you know your new job? Mm-hmm. Well, your first week is the last week that the librarian will be working before she goes on maternity leave. What's that? Sorry we can't hear you. Byeeeeeee."

Or something very similar.

And do you know what I say to that? Oh crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a quick hello from Hanoi to say thanks for linking

I hope you keep coming back for a look. It's going to a whole lot of fun to write and it will be a fantastic project for a fantastic cause.

Cheers mate
